VisiBone Font Survey Results - Master List

Key: =overall browsershare, =Mac browsershare, =Linux browsershare
Systems tested: 800 overall, 614 PC (76%), 164 Mac (20%), 22 Linux (2%)

04b_03     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (102/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
10 Lil' Ghosts     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
101 Puppies Italic SW     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
13_Misa     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (80/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
18     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
18thCentury     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (105/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
1979     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
1998B     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
200proofmoonshine remix     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (73/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
20faces     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
22     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (73/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
32768 NO     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
39 Smooth     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
50's Yesterdings JL     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
52 Sphereoids     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
67     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
911 Porscha     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
[.atari-kids.]     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
A Charming Font     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
A Charming Font Expanded     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
A Charming Font Leftleaning     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/128)   
A Charming Font Outline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
A Charming Font Superexpanded     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
A Line TMG     
a picture alphabet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
A Yummy Apology     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
A.C.M.E. Secret Agent     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (6/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Aardvark Cafe     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Aarvark Cafe     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
Abaddon     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Abadi MT Condensed     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (31/778)      
Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold     10% of all browsers support this font (factor 20%)10% (76/796)   14% of Macs support this font (factor 25%)14% (23/164)   
Abadi MT Condensed Light     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (118/800)   14% of Macs support this font (factor 25%)14% (23/164)   
Abbess Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
Abduction     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
Aberration     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
ABIGAIL Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
ABSALOM     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Abtecia Basic Sans Serif Font     
AcaciasHand Regular     
Academy Engraved LET Plain:1.0     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (131/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Acadian     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Accent Cookie Dough     
Accent SF     
Accidental Presidency     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Accord Light SF     
Accord SF     
Ace Crikey     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Ache Normal     
Ache-Condensed Normal     
Acidic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
Action Is     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Action Man     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Action Man Shaded     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
ActionIs     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/523)      
Ad Lib BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/650)      
Adams Normal     
Adams-Condensed Normal     
AdamsHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Addled Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
AdineKirnberg Regular     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
AdineKirnberg-Script     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Adolescence     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/778)      
Adresack     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Adriator     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Advance Normal     
Advantage Book     
Adventure Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Adventurer Black SF     
Adventurer Light SF     
Aeolus     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
AEZ Kate's Handwriting     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
African     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/778)      
Aftermath (BRK)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
AG Old Face Outline     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (5/147)   
Agatha     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)      
Agathodaimon     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Agency FB     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (147/797)      
Agent Orange     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)      
Aggstock     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/796)      
Agincort     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Aidan Normal     
Ain Yiddishe Font Cursiv     
Ain Yiddishe Font Modern     
Ain Yiddishe Font Traditional     
Air Force     
Airboy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Airmole Shaded     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Airmole Stripe     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
Airstream     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)      
AJenson Caps     
AJenson Display     
Akbar     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Aladdin     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)      
Aladdin Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Alan Den     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Alba     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/650)      
Alba Matter     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/650)      
Alba Super     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (20/650)      
Albany     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
Albertus Medium     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (16/393)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/106)   
Alchemist     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Alchemy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Aldine 401 BT     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (49/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Aldine 721 BT     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (47/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Aldine 721 Light BT     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (47/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Alexa     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/62)   
AlexsHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
AlexsHand Regular     
Alfredo Heavy Hollow     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Alfredo's Dance     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (106/793)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Algerian     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (177/800)      
AlgerianD     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
ALIBI     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Alien League     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/143)   
AlinasHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Alison Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Allegro     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Allegro BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (62/800)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Almanac MT     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (26/650)      
Almonte     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Almonte Snow     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Aloe Normal     
Aloe-Condensed Normal     
Alor Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/797)      
Alor-Condensed Normal     
Alpha Bravo     
Alpha Sentry     
Alpha Silouettes 3     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Alpha-Silouettes 2     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Alphabet of the Magi     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
AlphabetGenii     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
AlphaMack AOE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Alps Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Alps-Condensed Normal     
ALS Script     
Alternate Gothic No.2 BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (97/626)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (88/145)   
AmandasHand Regular     
Amaze Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/796)      
Amaze Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/797)      
Amazone BT     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (33/790)      
AmazoneBT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Ambush Normal     
Ambush-Condensed Normal     
Ambush-Extended Normal     
Amelia BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/790)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Ameretto Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Ameretto-Condensed Normal     
American Classic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/504)      
American Garamond BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
American Text BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/650)      
American Typewriter     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (137/790)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (137/164)   
American Typewriter Bold BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (11/593)      
American Typewriter Medium BT     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (34/800)      
American Uncial     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/778)      
Americana BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Americana Dreams     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Americana Dreams Condensed     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Americana Dreams CondUpright     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Americana Dreams Expanded     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Americana Dreams ExpUpright     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Americana Dreams SC     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Americana Dreams SC Upright     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Americana Dreams Upright     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Americana Italic BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/626)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/145)   
AmericanText BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/790)      
AmericanUncD     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/242)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/62)   
AmeriGarmnd BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/790)      
Amery Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Amery-Condensed Normal     
Amethyst Zucchini     
Amos Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
AmphibiPrint AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Amphion     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Amplitude BRK     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
An ode to noone     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/481)      
Anabolic Spheroid     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Anastasia     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Ancestory SF     
Ancient Geek     
Andale Mono     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (201/800)   74% of Macs support this font (factor 81%)74% (121/164)   41% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 54%)41% (9/22)
Andale Mono IPA     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (54/797)      
Andalus     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (32/778)      
Andes     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/790)      
AndironOutline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Andy Bold     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (28/796)      
AngelasHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Angelic Regular     
Angelica     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
Angelized     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Angioma AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Anglepoise Lampshade     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)      
Angleterre Book     
Anglican Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Anglo-Saxon Caps     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Angsana New     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (35/778)      
AngsanaUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (32/778)      
Angstrom     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Animals     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
Animals 1 (Animals 1)     12% of all browsers support this font (factor 23%)12% (96/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (89/164)   
Animals 2 (Animals 2)     12% of all browsers support this font (factor 23%)12% (93/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
AnimalTracks     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Annifont     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Announce     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/593)      
Annual Normal     
Annual-Condensed Normal     
Another     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
AntiChrist SuperstarSW     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Antigoni     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Antigoni Light     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Antigoni Med     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
AntiMatter KG     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Antioch     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Antiqua 101 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Antiqua 101-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Antiquarian Normal     
Antique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/523)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/128)   
Antique Olive     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (20/393)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (5/106)   
Antique Olive Compact     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Antique Olive Roman     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (4/147)   
AntsyPants     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
AnzeigenGroT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/504)      
Apple Chancery     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (152/790)   90% of Macs support this font (factor 93%)90% (147/164)   
Apple Garamond     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/778)      
Apple Garamond Light     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Aquiline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
ArabBruD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Arabian-Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Arabic Transparent     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (41/793)      
Arcane     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Arch Normal     
Arch-Condensed Normal     
Arch-Extended Normal     
Archer Normal     
ArchiesHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
ArchiesHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Architecture     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/481)      
Arcitectura     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
ArdleysHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
ARDS1     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Arena Condensed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Argonaut     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Argosy the Second     
Arial     99% of all browsers support this font (factor 99%)99% (793/800)   99% of Macs support this font (factor 99%)99% (162/164)   82% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 87%)82% (18/22)
Arial Alternative Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/650)      
Arial Alternative Symbol     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/650)      
Arial Black     98% of all browsers support this font (factor 99%)98% (780/800)   97% of Macs support this font (factor 98%)97% (159/164)   45% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 57%)45% (10/22)
Arial Black Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Arial Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/793)      
Arial Monospace     
Arial monospaced Bold for SAP     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Arial monospaced for SAP     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Arial MT Black     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
Arial Narrow     88% of all browsers support this font (factor 91%)88% (703/800)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (138/164)   9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Arial Narrow Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Arial Narrow Gras     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Arial Narrow Gras Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Arial Narrow Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Arial Narrow Special G1     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (22/778)      
Arial Narrow Special G2     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/778)      
Arial Narrow Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Arial Rounded     
Arial Rounded MT Bold     43% of all browsers support this font (factor 55%)43% (346/800)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (137/164)   
Arial Special G1     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/778)      
Arial Special G2     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/778)      
Arial Unicode MS     32% of all browsers support this font (factor 45%)32% (256/797)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
Arial Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/793)      
Arial Vet Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/793)      
Aristocrat     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/790)      
Armor Piercing     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (6/242)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/62)   
Arnold Boecklin     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (11/650)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (6/147)   
ArnoldBoeD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Arquitectura     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (4/147)   
Array Normal     
Array-Condensed Normal     
Arriba LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Arrobatherapy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Arrows1 (Arrows1)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/800)      
Arrows2 (Arrows2)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/800)      
Art Noveau Headers     
ArtBrush Medium     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Artistik     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
ArtsyParts Dingbats JL     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Ashley     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/778)      
Ashley Crawford     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Ashley Inline     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Asia Extended Normal     
Asia Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Asia-Extended Normal     
AstersHand Regular     
Astonished     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Astro     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)      
Astrological     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Astronaut     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Astronaut II     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Astronaut III     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Astute Caps     
Astute SSi     
Aswell     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Atilla Normal     
Atilla-Condensed Normal     
Attic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
AucoinExtBol     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
AucoinLight     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
augie     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/790)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (5/164)   
Augsburger Initials     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/778)      
Augustea Open     
Aurora Bold Condensed BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Aurora Condensed BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (13/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
AustinsHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Automatica -BRK-     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (44/797)   26% of Macs support this font (factor 39%)26% (42/164)   
AutoREALM Blackletter     
AutoREALM Cuniform     
AutoREALM Futhark     
AutoREALM Hieroglyphics     
AutoREALM Mentelin     
AutoREALM Phoenician     
Avalon Quest     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Avant Garde     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/790)   9% of Macs support this font (factor 19%)9% (15/164)   
Avant Garde Book BT     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (70/800)      
Avant Garde Demi BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/650)      
Avant Garde Medium BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (49/800)      
Avantgarde     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (39/790)      59% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 69%)59% (13/22)
AvantGarde-Demi     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (17/393)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (5/106)   60% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 70%)60% (6/10)
Averen     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
AvQest     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Awards (Awards)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
BaaBookHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Babelfish     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
BabOonjaZzbaSsoOn     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Baby Blocks     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Baby Font     
Baby Jeepers     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/504)      
Baby Kruffy     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Baby's World     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Babylon     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Babylon Industrial     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Babylon Industrial 2     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (92/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Baden-Powell Patrol Animals     
BadlocICG-Bevel     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
BadlocICG-Compression     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Baha Normal     
Bailey     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Bailey Regular     
BaileysCar     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Baker Signet BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
BakerSignet BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/790)      
Ballads Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/626)      
Balloon Bold BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Balloon Extra Bold BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/650)      
BalloonDExtBol     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)      
BalloonDroShaD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Balloons (Balloons)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/800)      
Baltar     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Balthazar Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Banco Normal     
Bangle Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/796)      
Bangle Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/797)      
Bangle-Condensed Normal     
Bank Gothic Light BT     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (43/800)      
Bank Gothic Medium BT     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (86/800)      
BankGothic Md BT Medium     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
BankScrD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Banner Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Banty Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Baphomet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Barbara Hand     
Barbatrick     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
BarberPole     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Bard     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/123)   
Barrett Normal     
Barrett-Condensed Normal     
BarrettIronwork     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
BarrettSuspended     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Barricades     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Bart Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/796)      
Bart Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/797)      
Basic Sans Light SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Basic Sans SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Basically Functional     
Baskerville     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (156/793)   85% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)85% (139/164)   9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Baskerville Old Face     24% of all browsers support this font (factor 37%)24% (192/797)   14% of Macs support this font (factor 25%)14% (23/164)   
BaskervilleOldFacSCD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Basque     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Basque Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Basque-Condensed Normal     
Basset     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Bassett Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Batang     33% of all browsers support this font (factor 46%)33% (265/797)      
BatangChe     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (69/778)      
BATAVIA     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
BatmanForeverAlternate     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
BatmanForeverOutline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Battlefield     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/797)      
BattleLines     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (5/242)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/62)   
Bauer Bodoni BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Bauhaus 93     36% of all browsers support this font (factor 49%)36% (283/797)   66% of Macs support this font (factor 75%)66% (109/164)   
Bauhaus Bold BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Bauhaus Medium BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Bauhaus Sketch     
Bavand Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Baveuse     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Bayou Cowboy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Bazaronite     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Bazooka Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/504)      
BD Merced     
Beach Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/797)      
Beach-Condensed Normal     
Beachman Script     
BeachType Medium     
Beagle Normal     
Beagle-Condensed Normal     
Beau Normal     
Beau-Condensed Normal     
Beau-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
BeautySchoolDropoutII     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Becker-Medium     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Bedini     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Bedrock     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/790)      
BeeBopp     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Beesknees ITC     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (71/800)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
BeesWax     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Beeswax Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Bell Centennial Address     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/800)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/164)   
Bell Centennial Address BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/800)      
Bell Centennial Bold Listing BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/800)      
Bell Centennial Name & Number     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/800)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bell Centennial Name and Number BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/800)      
Bell Centennial Sub-Caption BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/800)      
Bell Gothic Black BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/481)      
Bell Gothic Bold BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/481)      
Bell MT     23% of all browsers support this font (factor 36%)23% (181/797)   14% of Macs support this font (factor 25%)14% (23/164)   
Bell MT Cursief     
Bell MT Vet     
BellBottom.Laser     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (109/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
BellCentennial Address     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/793)      
Bellevue     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/650)   6% of Macs support this font (factor 14%)6% (9/147)   
Benguiat Bold BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (54/800)      
Benguiat Book BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Benguiat Frisky ATT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Benguiat Gothic Bold BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Bergell LET Plain:1.0     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (101/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Berlin Sans FB     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (131/797)      
Berliner     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Berling Antiqua     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (16/504)      
Bermuda Solid     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/778)      
Bernard MT Condensed     24% of all browsers support this font (factor 37%)24% (192/797)   15% of Macs support this font (factor 27%)15% (24/164)   
Bernhard Bold Condensed BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/626)      
Bernhard Fashion BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (65/800)      
Bernhard Modern     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/504)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (4/127)   
Bernhard Modern Bold BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (58/800)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Bernhard Modern BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (15/593)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/143)   
Bernhard Tango BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
BernhardFasD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/143)   
BernhardFashion BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (47/650)      
BernhardFashionHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Bernhart Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Bernie Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Bernie-Condensed Normal     
Bernstein SF     
BernyKlingon     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/593)      
Bert Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Berthold Baskerville     
Bertram LET Plain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
BerylsHand Regular     
Beta Dance     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
BethanysHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
BethHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
BethHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
BethsCuteHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Betsy Flanagan     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Betsy Flanagan 2     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (92/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Betty Noir     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/523)      
BettysHand     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
BettysHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Beware     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
BeyondControl     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
BibleScrT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Bickley Script     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (27/796)      
Bid Roman Normal     
Bid Roman-Condensed Normal     
Big Bloke BB     
Big Caslon     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (138/790)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (138/164)   
Big City Sample     
Big Fish Ensemble     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/790)      
Big Nib Normal     
Big Nib-Condensed Normal     
Big Nib-Extended Normal     
Billboard 11 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Billboard 11-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Billy Bear's Crayons     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Bimini Bold     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/796)      
Bimini Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/797)      
Bimini-Condensed Normal     
Binner Gothic     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/793)      
Birch     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (6/242)   6% of Macs support this font (factor 14%)6% (4/62)   
birds a     
Bitch Cakes     
BitDust Two     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Bite me     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Bitstream Arrus Black BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/593)      
Bitstream Arrus BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
Bitstream Charter     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/523)      64% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 73%)64% (7/11)
Bitstream Vera Sans     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (88/778)   9% of Macs support this font (factor 19%)9% (14/164)   18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Oblique     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (22/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (86/778)   8% of Macs support this font (factor 17%)8% (13/164)   18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold Oblique     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (22/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Bitstream Vera Serif     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (87/778)   9% of Macs support this font (factor 19%)9% (14/164)   18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
bitween 10 A     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
bitween 10 A2     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
Bitwise     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
BixAntiqueScriptHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Bizarro Regular     
Bizzy Bee     
BJ REDRUM     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
BJ REVOLTA     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
BJ SKRATCH     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
BJ SUGARCREEP     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Black boys on mopeds     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Black Chance Normal     
Black Chancery     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/793)      
Blackadder ITC     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (199/797)      
BlackAdderII     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/778)      
BlackChancery     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/790)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
BlackForest     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/523)      
Blackletter 686 BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (133/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
BlacklightD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/504)      
Blackoak     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (7/147)   
Blew Normal     
Blew-Condensed Normal     
Blimpo     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Blippo Black BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/650)      
Blippo Light SF     
Blippo Normal     
BlippoBlaD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Bliss     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/790)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Bliss Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/797)      
Bliss-Condensed Normal     
BlizzardD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Block     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Block Normal     
Block-Condensed Normal     
Block-Extended Normal     
Blockobats     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Blood Of Dracula     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Bloodgutter 99     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bloody     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Bloomington Regular     
BlownDeadline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Blue Highway     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (12/393)      30% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 43%)30% (3/10)
Blue Highway Condensed     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (10/393)      30% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 43%)30% (3/10)
Blue Highway D Type     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Blue Melody     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Blue Melody UltraBold     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/776)      
Blue Ridge Light SF     
Blue Ridge SF     
Blue's Clues     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
BlueMirth     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/796)      
BluePlateSpecialSW     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Blur Normal     
Blur-Condensed Normal     
Blur-Extended Normal     
BM chain A6     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
BM mini A8     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
BM tube A10     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)      
BN Cosmic Girl     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
BN Internet     
Bob Borst     
Bodoni Book     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (5/242)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/62)   
Bodoni Book BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/626)      
Bodoni BT     
Bodoni MT     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (75/797)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
Bodoni MT Black     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (71/797)      
Bodoni MT Condensed     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (71/797)      
Bodoni MT Poster Compressed     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (64/797)      
BodoniHighlightICG     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Boink LET Plain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Bolt Bold BT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Bolts SF     
Bon Apetit MT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/790)      
BON ViVER     
Bones     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
BooBooKitty     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Boogieman     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
BoogieWoogieHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Book Antiqua     71% of all browsers support this font (factor 79%)71% (565/800)   19% of Macs support this font (factor 31%)19% (31/164)   9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Book Antiqua Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Book Antiqua Gras     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Book Antiqua Gras Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Book Antiqua Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Book Antiqua Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Book Antiqua Vet Cursief     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Bookdings     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (13/504)      
Bookman     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (52/790)   8% of Macs support this font (factor 17%)8% (13/164)   59% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 69%)59% (13/22)
Bookman ITC Demi BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Bookman ITC Light BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Bookman Old Style     72% of all browsers support this font (factor 79%)72% (577/800)   19% of Macs support this font (factor 31%)19% (31/164)   9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Bookman Old Style Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Bookman Old Style Gras     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Bookman Old Style Gras Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Bookman Old Style Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Bookman Old Style Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Bookman Old Style Vet Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Bookshelf Symbol 1 (Bookshelf Symbol 1)     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (118/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
Bookshelf Symbol 2 (Bookshelf Symbol 2)     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (118/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
Bookshelf Symbol 3 (Bookshelf Symbol 3)     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (119/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
Bookshelf Symbol 4     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (88/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Bookshelf Symbol 5     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (112/790)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bookshelf Symbol 7     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (102/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Bookworm     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
BoomBox     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Boomerang     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Bootleg     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Border Cats     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Borderbats-Fleur     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Borderbats-Fleur Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Borderbats-Fleur2     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Borders1 (Borders1)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
Borders2 (Borders2)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
Borg     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/593)      
Borg9     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/481)      
Borghs Normal     
Borghs-Condensed Normal     
Borghs-Cracked Normal     
Borghs-Cracked-Condensed Normal     
Borghs-Cracked-Extended Normal     
Borghs-Extended Normal     
Borghs-Hollow Normal     
Borghs-Hollow-Condensed Normal     
Borghs-Hollow-Extended Normal     
Borghs-Spiked Normal     
Borghs-Striped Normal     
Botanical     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (11/650)      
Boton     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Boulder Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
Boulevard     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/790)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (7/164)   
Bow Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Boxes (Boxes)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
BoyzRGross     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
BRADDON Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Bradley Hand ITC     28% of all browsers support this font (factor 41%)28% (225/800)      
BradleyHandITC     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Brady Bunch     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Braggadocio     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (73/800)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
Braille AOE     
Braille Regular     
BranchingMouse Becker     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Brandyscript     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
BrandysHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Brandywine     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
Brandywine Normal     
Brandywine-Condensed Normal     
Brandywine-Extended Normal     
Brandywine-Hollow Normal     
Brandywine-Hollow-Condensed Normal     
Brandywine-Hollow-Extended Normal     
Bravo Normal     
Bravo-Condensed Normal     
Bravo-Extended Normal     
Bremen Bd BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (58/790)      
Bremen Black BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)      
Bremen Blk BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/790)      
Bremen Bold BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (54/800)      
Bring tha noize     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/593)      
Brisk     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Brisk Normal     
Brisk-Extended Normal     
Britannic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Britannic Bold     26% of all browsers support this font (factor 39%)26% (210/800)   15% of Macs support this font (factor 27%)15% (24/164)   
Broach Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Broad Street Normal     
Broadband Regular     
BroadbandICG     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Broadside Normal     
Broadside-Condensed Normal     
Broadside-Extended Normal     
Broadview Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Broadway     21% of all browsers support this font (factor 34%)21% (165/797)      
Broadway BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (46/796)      
Broadway Engraved BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
Brochure     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
BrodyD     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Broken 15     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (44/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Brooklyn Kid     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/778)      
BrotherMan     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Browallia New     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (33/778)      
BrowalliaUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (30/778)      
Brrr     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Brrrrr Regular     
Brush 445 BT     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (101/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Brush 738 BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (82/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Brush Flair     
Brush Normal     
Brush Script     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (22/793)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (7/164)   
Brush Script BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/481)      
Brush Script MT     38% of all browsers support this font (factor 51%)38% (302/790)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (137/164)   
Brush Script MT Italic     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (162/800)      
Brush Stroke 26 Normal     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (82/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Brush455 BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/790)      
BrushArt     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
BrushScrD     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
BrushStroke 26 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
BrushStroke 35 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Brussels Regular     
BTSE + PS2 FONT     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bubbleboy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
BubbledotICG-CoarseNeg     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
BubbledotICG-CoarsePos     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
BubbledotICG-FineNeg     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
BubbledotICG-FinePos     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
bubblegums     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Bubblesoft     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Buccaneer Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/523)      
Bucephalus     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Buckingham     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Bud Easy Medium     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Bud Easy Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Buddha's Teeth     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
Budmo Jiggler     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Buds and Blossoms     
Buffied     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Buildings (Buildings)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
Bullet Train     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
BulletBalls AOE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
BulletHolz     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Bullets 4(Japanese) (Bullets 4(Japanese))     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (91/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
Bullets 5(Korean) (Bullets 5(Korean))     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (91/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
Bullets1 (Bullets1)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/800)      
Bullets2 (Bullets2)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/800)      
Bullets3 (Bullets3)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/800)      
Bullpen     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Bullpen 3D     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (81/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Bully Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Bumbazoid     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/593)      
Bumble Bee BV     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Bunchló     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Bungle City     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Bunting 1 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bunting 1-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bunting 1-Extended Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bunting 2 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bunting 2-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Bunting 2-Extended Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
BurnOut     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Burnstown Dam     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Burton's Nightmare     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/790)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
BurweedICG-Thorny     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Business Suit     
Business&Government (Business&Government)     12% of all browsers support this font (factor 23%)12% (92/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
Business/Industrial Regular     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Busorama Medium BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Busso Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
BusterD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Butterfly Chromosome AOE     
ButtonButton AOE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/523)      
Cabaret LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Cable Normal     
CAC Camelot     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
CAC Champagne     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
CAC Futura Casual     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
CAC Krazy Legs     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
CAC Lasko Condensed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
CAC Lasko Even Weight     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
CAC Leslie     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
CAC Logo Alternate     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
CAC Moose     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
CAC Norm Heavy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
CAC One Seventy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
CAC Pinafore     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
CAC Shishoni Brush     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
CAC Valiant     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Caeldera     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/523)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/128)   
Caesar Open     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Caesar Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Caflisch Script Web     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Caflish Script     
Cairo Medium     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Cairo SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Cajun Boogie     
Calendar Normal     
Californian FB     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (135/797)      
Caligula     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Calisto MT     30% of all browsers support this font (factor 43%)30% (240/800)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
Calisto MT Cursief     
Calisto MT Vet     
Calli 109 Normal     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (82/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Calligraph421 BT     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (42/790)      
Calligrapher Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (9/504)      
Calligraphic 421 BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (145/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Calligraphic Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/793)      
Callimarker Normal     
CallimarkerCondensed Normal     
CallimarkerExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CalliPsoGrafia Medium     
Callistroke     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Cally 721 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Calvin and Hobbes Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Camden Regular     
CameoAppearance     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
CAMPBELL Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
Cancellaresca Script LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Cancun     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Candide Dingbats     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Candy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Candy Bits BT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Candy Randy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Cane Hollow     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cane Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cane-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cane-Striped Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Canuth     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Capitals     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (117/790)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (116/164)   
Captain Podd     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Captain Shiner     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
CaptainSwabby     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Carbon Block     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/778)      
caricature     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Carla Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Carleton     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Carmilla Demo     
Carmine Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Carmine Tango     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/593)      
Carmine-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CarolinesHand Regular     
Carolingia     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
Carols Regular     
Carpal Tunnel     
Carpenter ICG     
Carr Animal Dingbats     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
cart o grapher     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Carta     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/650)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (6/147)   
Carta-Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Cas Open Face Normal     
Casablanca Light SF     
Casablanca SF     
CasablancaAntique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/481)      
Caslon     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/790)      
Caslon 540 BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (96/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Caslon Openface BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/650)      
CaslonAntT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
CASMIRA     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Casper Light SF     
Casper Open SF     
Casper SF     
Cassia     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Castellar     21% of all browsers support this font (factor 34%)21% (169/797)      
Castellar MT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (8/147)   
CastleTUlt     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
Cataneo BT     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (40/796)      
Cataneo Light BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Catchup Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Cathedral Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CathedralCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CathedralExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cathzulu Extraz     
Catwalk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Celebrate Regular     
Celeste Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Celestial Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Celtic Frames     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Celtic Garamond the 2nd     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (82/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Celtic Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Celtic Patterns     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Celtic-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Celtic-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CelticHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Celticmd Decorative w Drop Caps     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/523)      
Cenobyte     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Centaur     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (142/797)      
Cento Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Century     30% of all browsers support this font (factor 43%)30% (238/797)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Century 725 Bold BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (83/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Century 725 Condensed BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (84/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Century Gothic     79% of all browsers support this font (factor 85%)79% (628/800)   59% of Macs support this font (factor 69%)59% (97/164)   
Century Gothic Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Century Gothic Gras     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Century Gothic Gras Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Century Gothic Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Century Gothic Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Century Gothic Vet Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Century Schoolbook     31% of all browsers support this font (factor 44%)31% (245/800)   20% of Macs support this font (factor 32%)20% (32/164)   18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
Century Schoolbook Cursief     
Century Schoolbook L     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/790)      77% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 83%)77% (17/22)
Century Schoolbook L Roman     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Century Schoolbook SWA     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Century Schoolbook Vet     
Century Schoolbook Vet Cursief     
Cezanne Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
CG Omega     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (14/393)      
CG Times     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (14/393)      
CgPhenixAmerican     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Chachie     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/796)      
Chain Letter     
Chalk Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chalk-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chalk-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Challenge Extra Bold LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Challenge Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Challenge-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chance     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Chancery Cursive     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Chaney Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chaney-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Charaille AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Charcoal     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (126/790)   76% of Macs support this font (factor 83%)76% (125/164)   
Charlesworth     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (22/481)      
Charlesworth Bold     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (53/800)      
CharlotteSansBoldPlain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
CharlotteSansBookItalicPlain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
CharlotteSansBookPlain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
CharlotteSansMediumPlain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Charms BV     
Charter     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/790)      86% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 90%)86% (19/22)
Charter BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/790)      
Charter BT Bitstream     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Charter BT Roman     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Charting (Charting)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
Chasm Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/796)      
Chasm Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Chasm Normal     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (20/797)      
Chasm Thin Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Chaucer Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (9/504)      
Chaz Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Chaz Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/797)      
Chaz-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cheap Fire     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Cheap Pizza     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Cheapskate     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Checkbook     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
CheckNums-MICR Regular     
Chelsey Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chelsey-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cheltenham BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/650)      
Cheri     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Cheri Liney     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Chess Regular     
ChesterfieldAntD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/504)      
ChevalierOpeSCD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
ChevalierStrSCD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Chevara Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/793)      
ChevaraOutline Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/793)      
Chicago     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (145/790)   77% of Macs support this font (factor 83%)77% (126/164)   
Chick     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (19/650)      
Chickabiddies     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
ChickenScratch     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
ChickenScratch AOE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
ChiladaICG-Cuatro     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/147)   
ChiladaICG-Dos     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/147)   
ChiladaICG-Tres     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/147)   
ChiladaICG-Uno     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/147)   
Chili Pepper     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/626)      
Chili Pepper Extras     
ChiliPepper     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Chilled Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Chiller     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (160/797)      
Chiller LET Plain:1.0     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (84/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Chinacat Thin     
Chinese Generic1 (Chinese Generic1)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/800)      
Chinese Takeaway     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Chipper LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Chisel     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/790)      
Chisel Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/797)      
Chisel Thin Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Chisel Wide Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Chisel-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chisel-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chisel-Hollow Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chisel-Spiked Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chisel-Spiked-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chisel-Spiked-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chisel-Striped Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
ChockABlockNF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Chocolate Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chocolate Light     
Chocolate-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chocolate-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Chow Fun     
CHR32     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Chris Pirillo     
ChrisHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Christian Crosses     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Christian Crosses II     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Christian Crosses III     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Christian Crosses IV     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Christian Crosses V     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Christie     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
ChristinesHand Regular     
Christmas - Debbie     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Christmas Card     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Christmas Tree     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
ChristmasTime     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
ChristmasTree     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
ChristmasWreath     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
ChromosomeHeavy     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Chronicles of a Hero     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Chubble     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
ChurchwardBruDReg     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Circle Six     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Circle Things 2     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (81/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Circled Letters Normal     
Circus Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Circus-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CityBlueprint     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (28/800)      
Civic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/790)      
Civilian     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)      
CK Journaling     
Clam Cakes NDP     
Clare Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Clare-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CLARENCE Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Clarendon BT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Clarity Gothic SF     
Classic Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/626)      
Classical Garamond BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
ClassicFont104 Regular ttext     
Classified     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Classified Regular     
CLAW 1 -BRK-     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
CLAW 1 BRK     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
CLAW 2 -BRK-     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
CLAW 2 BRK     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Clawless     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Clayton Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Clayton-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Clean     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/790)      50% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 62%)50% (11/22)
Clean Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/797)      
Clean-Condensed Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/797)      41% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 54%)41% (9/22)
Clean-Extended Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/797)      41% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 54%)41% (9/22)
Clearly Gothic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
ClearlyU     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/790)      77% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 83%)77% (17/22)
Clocks (Clocks)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
Cloister Black BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (13/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Clothes Peg     
CluffHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Coaster     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Cobalt Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/797)      
Cobalt-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cobalt-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Coca Cola ii     
CocaCola     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/778)      
Cochin     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Cocoa Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/797)      
CODABAR1 Normal     
Code2000     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
CODE3OF9X1 Normal     
CODE3X     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
codex     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Coffee Milk Caps NDP     
Coffee Milk NDP     
CoffeeSack Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CoffeeSackCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CoffeeSackExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Collage     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
CollateralDamage     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Collective O (BRK)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Collective RO (BRK)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Collective RS (BRK)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Collective S (BRK)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Collegiate-Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Colonna MT     23% of all browsers support this font (factor 36%)23% (182/800)   14% of Macs support this font (factor 25%)14% (23/164)   
Columbo     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
CombiNumerals     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Comic Book Commando     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Comic Book Commando 3D     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
Comic Book Commando Condensed     
Comic Book Commando Distorted     
Comic Book Commando Expanded     
Comic Sans MS     97% of all browsers support this font (factor 98%)97% (775/800)   96% of Macs support this font (factor 97%)96% (157/164)   45% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 57%)45% (10/22)
Comic Sans MS Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
Comic Strip MN     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Comicate     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Comix Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Comix Regular Caps     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
ComixHighlight     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Commador Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Commercial Pi BT (Commercial Pi BT)     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (20/800)      
Commercial Script BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (44/800)      
Commercial Script Normal     
CommercialScrT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Commodore 64     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
CommonBullets (CommonBullets)     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (45/800)      
Commons Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
Comons Light     
Compass     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Compass Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Complex     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/800)      
Composer Regular     
Computer     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Computerfont Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/793)      
Computers (Computers)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
Concielian     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Concielian Break     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Confusebox     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Congo Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Congo-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
CongressT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Constantine Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
ConstantineCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
ConstantineExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Contemporary Brush     
Continuum Light     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Continuum Medium     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Cookie     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Cookie Font     
Coolsville Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
Coolvetica     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/796)      
Cooper Black     26% of all browsers support this font (factor 39%)26% (208/797)   20% of Macs support this font (factor 32%)20% (33/164)   
Cooper Black BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Cooper Black Headline BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
Cooper Black Italic BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Cooper Black Outline BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Cooper Bold BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
Cooper Light BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Cooper Medium BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
CooperBlack     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/523)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (7/128)   
Copperplate     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (144/790)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (138/164)   
Copperplate Gothic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
Copperplate Gothic Bold     43% of all browsers support this font (factor 55%)43% (342/800)   55% of Macs support this font (factor 66%)55% (90/164)   
Copperplate Gothic Bold BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (54/800)      
Copperplate Gothic Bold Condensed BT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Copperplate Gothic BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/626)      
Copperplate Gothic Light     43% of all browsers support this font (factor 55%)43% (342/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (89/164)   
CopperPlate Normal     
CopperplateTBol     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
CopperplateTLig     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
CopperplateTMed     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
Coptic Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Copybook Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Copybook-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Copybook-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cordia New     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (33/778)      
CordiaUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (31/778)      
Corleone     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Corleone Due     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Cornerstone Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
Corona Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Coronet     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (3/77)      
Coronet Normal     
CoronetI     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Cosmic     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/481)      
Cosmic Age     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Cosmic Age Extended     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Cosmic Age Outline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Cotillion Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Cottage     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Counterscraps     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Country Button     
Country Cuties     
Country Hearts     
Country Regular     
CountryBlueprint     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (30/800)      
Courier     97% of all browsers support this font (factor 98%)97% (766/790)   99% of Macs support this font (factor 99%)99% (163/164)   100% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 100%)100% (22/22)
Courier 10 Pitch     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (82/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (2/11)
Courier 10 Pitch BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (83/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Courier New     98% of all browsers support this font (factor 99%)98% (787/800)   96% of Macs support this font (factor 97%)96% (157/164)   82% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 87%)82% (18/22)
Courier New Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
Courier New Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
Courier New Vet Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
Courier Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Courier-BoldOblique     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (37/242)   47% of Macs support this font (factor 59%)47% (29/62)   50% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 62%)50% (3/6)
Coverdale Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Coverdale-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Coverdale-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cow-Spots     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
CowboyRhumbahut     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Crane Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Crane-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Crane-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Crate     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Crayon     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Crayon Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Crayon Kids 1     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (92/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Crayon-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Crayon-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cream and sugar     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Creampuff     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/393)      
creatures     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Credit Valley     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Creepy Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Creepy Hollow Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Creepy Hollow-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Creepy Hollow-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Creepy Regular     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (25/778)      
Creepy-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Creepy-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cressida     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Crest Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Cretino     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/778)      
Cricket     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/790)      
Critter     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/790)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/164)   
CroissantD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Croobie     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (17/650)      
Crop Circle Dingbats (Crop Circle Dingbats)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
CropBats AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Crop©Bats AOE     
Crown Title     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
crowns and coronets     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Cry Uncial     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
Crystal Radio Kit     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Cthulhu Runes     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
CType AOE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Cuckoo Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/504)      
Cultural Icons     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Cupid Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Cupid-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Cupid-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Curetana!     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (81/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Curled Serif     
Curlz MT     41% of all browsers support this font (factor 54%)41% (326/800)   55% of Macs support this font (factor 66%)55% (90/164)   
Currency     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
CurrencyOutline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Cursive Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Cursor     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Cut and Paste     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Cute Line     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
CutiesHand Regular     
Cybertron Metals Normal     
Cyrillic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
D3 Archism     
D3 Biscuitism     
D3 Calligraphism     
D3 Cubism     
D3 DigiBitMapism type A     
D3 DigiBitMapism type A wide     
D3 DigiBitMapism type B     
D3 DigiBitMapism type B wide     
D3 DigiBitMapism type C     
D3 DigiBitMapism type C wide     
D3 Digitalism     
D3 Digitalism Round     
D3 Factorism Alphabet     
D3 Factorism Katakana     
D3 Honeycombism     
D3 Honeycombism Sorround     
D3 Labyrinthism     
D3 Mochism     
D3 Rabbitmapism     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
D3 Rabbitmapism Outline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
D3 Rabbitmapism Wide     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
D3 Rabbitmapism Wide Outline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
D3 Spiralism     
D3 Spiralism Outline     
D3 Streetism     
D3 Streetism Katakana     
D3 Superimposism Inline     
D3 Superimposism Outline     
D3 Witchism     
Da Bomb     
Daggers Regular     
Dahrlin     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Dali     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)      
Dalia Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dalith Sample Oblique     
Damn Noisy Kids     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (7/393)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (3/106)   
DanceFloor eXit     
DANCEMAN     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Dancin LET Plain:1.0     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (98/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Dangerous Regular ttnorm     
Daniela     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Daniela Regular     
Danto Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Danzin Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Dark Ages Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Dark Crystal Outline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Dark Crystal Script     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Dark Garden (©Michal Kosmulski)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (100/778)   60% of Macs support this font (factor 70%)60% (98/164)   
Dark Side (BRK)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Dark11     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
DarkWind     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Darwycke Regular     
Das Reicht Gut Regular     
Data Seventy LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
DataGlyph SP     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)      
DateLine Normal     
Dauphin     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (74/800)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Dauphin-Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
David     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (46/793)      
David Transparent     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (45/793)      
Davis Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Davys-Dingbats Regular     
Day Roman     
Day Roman - Expert     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (44/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Dayton Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)      
De Vinne BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/626)      
Dead Letter Office Twenty Nine     
DeadGrit     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
DeadGrit AOE     
DearTeacher-Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
DebevicCircular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
DebevicDeco     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
decadence     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Deco Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Deco-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Deco-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Deftone Stylus     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/796)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Della Robbia BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
Delta Hey Max Nine     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Delta Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Delta-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Delta-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Deluxe Ducks     
DemocraticaRegular Medium     
Demon Night     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Demonized     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Dendritic Voltage     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Denmark Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
Deportees     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Depot     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Desdemona     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (63/800)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
DesertDogHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Desiree's Cool Dots     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (105/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Despair     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Destiny's Gingerbread Dings     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Destiny's Little Houses     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Detectives Inc     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/106)   
Deuzhood Black     
Devil inside     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Devil Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Devil's Handshake     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Devils and Dragons     
Devine Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Devine-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DeVinneOrn     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Devon Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Devon-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Devon-Hollow-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Devon-HollowCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DevonHollow Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DextorD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
DfW5 Printer     
Di Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/797)      
Diablo     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Diablo Heavy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Diablo Light     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Dialtone     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Diamond     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Diamond Fantasy Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Diamond SF     
DianasHand Regular     
Dichotomy Regular     
DicotMedium Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (18/793)      
Dictionary Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DictionaryCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DictionaryExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Didot     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (140/790)   85% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)85% (139/164)   
Digiface     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
DigifaceWide     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Digital Readout     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Digitalema     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
DigitalICG     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/147)   
DigitalMachine     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
DigitalStrip     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/393)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (3/106)   
dilate.     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (81/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
DilleniaUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (31/778)      
Diner     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/790)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Diner Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dingbat Cats 2     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Dingbats (Dingbats)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/790)      
Dingbats One (Dingbats One)     
Dingbats Regular     
Dingbats Two (Dingbats Two)     
Dingbats1 (Dingbats1)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dingbats2 (Dingbats2)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dingbats3 (Dingbats3)     
Dingbats4 (Dingbats4)     
Dingbats5 (Dingbats5)     
DingbatsOne (DingbatsOne)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/800)      
DingbatsTwo (DingbatsTwo)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/800)      
DINGEES     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
dingies Heavy     
DINMittelschrift     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/62)   
DinnerTime     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Dinosauria Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DinosauriaCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DinosauriaExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dinosuaria-Cracked Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DiPed Thick     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Diploma Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
Directions MT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (6/393)      
Dirty Ego     
DirtyBakersDozen     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/481)      
Discotheque     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Discount Inferno     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Disney Comic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Disney Heroic     
Distant Galaxy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Distant Galaxy AltOutline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Distant Galaxy Condensed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Distant Galaxy Outline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Distress     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
Distro Bats     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Do not eat this     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Docu Regular     
DoggyPrint AOE     
Dolphin Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/796)      
Dolphin Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/797)      
Dolphin-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dom Casual     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Dom Casual BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/650)      
Domaign     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
DomCasual BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (25/790)      
DomCasualD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/593)      
Dominator Black     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dominator BlackItalic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/776)      
Dominator Medium     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dominator MediumItalic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/776)      
Dominator Thin     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dominator ThinItalic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/776)      
Dominon Lite Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Dominon Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Don'tTalkBack     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Donald     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
DonnysHand     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/790)      
Donree's Claws     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Doodle Art     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Dope Jam     
Dorchester Script MT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (8/147)   
Dornen     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Dot Matrix     
Dot Matrix Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Dot2Dot     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Dotum     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (72/778)      
DotumChe     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (72/778)      
Downtown Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DpQuake     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Draconian     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Draft Gothic Thin     
Draggle (BRK)     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (81/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Draggle [over kerned] (BRK)     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (81/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Dragon Order     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Dragonmaster Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Dragonwick     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/790)      9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Dragonwyck Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dragonwyck-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Drakon     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Drax Luma AOE     
DreamScar     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Drips Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Drips-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Drips-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Droid     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Droid regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
DS_Celtic Border 1     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (80/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Duchess     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Duke Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Duke-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Dukeplus     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Dungeon     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
Dungeon Blocks Filled     
Duo-Line     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Dupuy     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/797)      
DupuyBlack     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DupuyLight     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
DustbowlClementine     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
DustineSolid     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Dutch 801 Bold BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (133/800)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Dutch 801 Extra Bold BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (132/800)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Dutch 801 Roman BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (134/800)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Dutch 809 BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (80/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
DymaxionScript     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Dyspepsia     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Earwig Factory     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Easily amused     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
East Side NDP     
EastBlocICG-Closed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
EastBlocICG-ClosedAlt     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
EastBlocICG-Open     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
EastBlocICG-OpenAlt     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Echelon     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
Eckmann     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Edda     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (34/796)      
EddaCaps     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)      
Eddie     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Eddy's Bones Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Eddy's Bones-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Eddy's Bones-Extended Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Eden Mills     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
EDITION 12 A     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
EditorCndn Bold Oblique     
Edmunds     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Edmunds Distressed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Edwardian Script ITC     37% of all browsers support this font (factor 50%)37% (298/797)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (89/164)   
Effloresce     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/796)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Effloresce Antique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/778)      
Eggo Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Eggo-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Eggo-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Eggs     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Egyptian 505 BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (80/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
EgyptoHeavy Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/796)      
Eight Track     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Eight Track program two     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Eklektic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Eklektic-Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Elastic Wrath     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Elder Futhark     
Elder Futhark ver 1.1     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Electric Boots     
Electric Hermes AOE     
Electric Hermes Charge AOE     
Electric Toaster     
Electroharmonix     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Electronics (Electronics)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
ELEGANCE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/393)      
ELEGANCE Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Elegant Garamond BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Elementary Light SF     
Elementary SF     
Elementary SF Black     
Elephant     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (177/800)      
Elephant Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Elephant-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Elevator Buttons     
Elevator Buttons Two     
ElGar     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
ElHombre     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
elisia     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Elisia Regular     
Eliza Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Elizabeth-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Elizabeth-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
ELLIS     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Elmore     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
ElroNet Monospace     
ElroNet Proportional     
Else NPL Light     
Else NPL Medium     
ElvenSSi     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/796)      
Elves Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Elves-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Elves-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Elysee Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
ElyseeCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Elzevier Caps     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Emblem     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Emboss-Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
EmbossedBlack Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
EmbossedBlackWide Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Emerald Isle     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Empire BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/650)      
EmpireBuilder     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
EmpireState     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Encino Caps     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Encounter     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Endor     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Endor Alt     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Engaged Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/797)      
England Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
EnglischeSchT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)      
English 111 Presto BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (91/626)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (88/145)   
English 111 Vivace BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (143/793)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
English Gothic Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
English Gothic-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
English111 Vivace BT     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (20/523)      
Engraver Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Engraver-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Engraver-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Engravers MT     30% of all browsers support this font (factor 43%)30% (240/797)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
Engravers' Gothic BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (98/593)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (88/143)   
Engravers' Old English Bold BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (92/626)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (88/145)   
EngraversGothic BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/790)      
Ennobled Pet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Enochian Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Enterprise Normal     
Enview Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/797)      
Enview Thin Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Enviro     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (37/796)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
EnviroD     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/481)      
Epic Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
EPISODE I     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
EQUIPMENT MONO Round Light     
EQUIPMENT MONO Round Regular     
Eras Bold ITC     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (173/800)      
Eras Demi ITC     27% of all browsers support this font (factor 40%)27% (217/800)      
Eras Light ITC     27% of all browsers support this font (factor 40%)27% (213/800)      
Eras Medium ITC     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (173/800)      
Eras Ultra ITC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (34/800)      
Eraser Normal     
EraserDust     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (24/778)      
Ergoe     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Eric Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
EricasHand Regular     
Erthqake     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Especial Kay     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
ESRI Cartography     
ESRI Crime Analysis     
ESRI Environmental & Icons     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
ESRI Geology     
ESRI Geometric Symbols     
ESRI Oil, Gas, & Water     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
ESRI Transportation & Civic     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
ESRI Transportation & Municipal     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
ESRI Weather     
Estelle Black SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Estrangelo Edessa     34% of all browsers support this font (factor 47%)34% (272/797)      
Ethnocentric     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/778)      
Euclid     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Euclid Extra     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Euclid Fraktur     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Euclid Math One     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Euclid Math Two     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Euclid Symbol     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
EucrosiaUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (31/778)      
Eulogy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Euphorigenic     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/796)      
Eurasia Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/796)      
Eurasia Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/797)      
Eurasia-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Euro Collection     
EuroRoman     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (28/800)      
Eurose     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Eurostar Black     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Eurostar Black Extended     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Eurostar Regular Extended     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Eurostile     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (138/797)   23% of Macs support this font (factor 36%)23% (37/164)   
Eurostile Condensed     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)      
Eurostile Vet     
Eurostile-Roman-DTC     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
EVA Hand 1     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (80/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Evangelje Plain     
EvilClown     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
EwieD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Exaggerate (BRK)     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Excalibur SF     
Excelerate Left     
Excelerate Outline     
Excelerate Straight     
EXCESS     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Executive     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Exocet     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/790)      
Exocet Heavy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Exocet Light     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
Exotc350 Bd BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (18/790)      
Exotc350 DmBd BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/790)      
Exotc350 Lt BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/790)      
Exotic 350 Bold BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (90/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Exotic 350 Light BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (98/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Expel Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Expert Dingbats Normal     
Expert Elite Normal     
Expo     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
ExPonto     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Expose Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Expose-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Extras (Extras)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
Extras10     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Eyechart     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Eyeglass Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Eyeglass-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fabeldyr     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Fabeldyr 1     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Fabeldyr 3     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Fabulous     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Fabulous 50s Normal     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Face it!     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Face Off!     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Facelift     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Facet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Fadgod     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Faerie     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Fairytale     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Fake Plastic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
FallenThyme     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Falstaff Festival MT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/778)      
Family Guy     
Famous Logos     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Fanciful Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fanciful-CondensedNormal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fanciful-ExtendedNormal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fancy Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FancyPants     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Fango     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FannysHand Regular     
fantas second     
Fantastic Creatures     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Fantastic MF Initials     
Fantasy Clipart     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Fantasy clipart 2     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Fantique Four     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Fanzee Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fanzee-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fanzee-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FarfelICG-FeltTip     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
FarfelICG-Pencil     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
FarrierICG-Black     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
FastenYourSeatBelt Clean     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
FastenYourSeatBelt Textured     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Fastrac Fashion     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Fat     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (17/650)      
fat marker     
Fatboy Slim BLTC (BRK)     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (86/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Fatslab     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Fatso Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fatso-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fazings one     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Federation     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/593)      
Federation Classic 2     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Federation TNG Title     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
FederationClassic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
FederationDS9Title     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
FederationStarfleet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
FeelinGroovy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Feline Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Feline-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Felix Titling     27% of all browsers support this font (factor 40%)27% (212/797)      
FELIZ Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
FeltTip     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Female and Male Symbols     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Fences Plain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/778)      
Fernando     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Festival Nights JL     
Festive (Festive)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/800)      
festus!     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Fette Fraktur     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (5/147)   
FFF Agent Trial     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FFF Atlantis Trial     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FFF Atlantis Trial     
FFF Extras     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
FFF Extras 2     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (81/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
FFF Forward     
FFF Freedom Trial     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FFF Galaxy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
FFF Galaxy Bold Extended     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FFF Galaxy Extended     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
FFF Galaxy Extra Bold Extended     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FFF Harmony     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/523)      
FFF Interface05     
FFF Interface06     
FFF Reaction Trial     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FFF Sailor     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FFScala     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
FFX Caricature     
Fiesta Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FifthAve Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Fifties     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Figaro MT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/778)      
FightThis     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Fillmore Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Film Star     
Filosofia Fractions     
Filosofia Grand     
Filosofia GrandCaps     
Filosofia SmallCaps     
FilosofiaFractions Regular     
FilosofiaGrand Regular     
FilosofiaGrandCaps Regular     
FilosofiaRegular Regular     
FilosofiaSmallCaps Regular     
FilosofiaUnicase Regular     
Fin Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fin-CondensedNormal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fin-ExtendedNormal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Final Fantasy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Final Frontier     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/778)      
Fine Hand     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (26/796)      
Fine Hand LET Plain:1.0     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (96/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Fiolex Girls     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Firecat Medium     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Firenze SF     
Firestarter     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
First Grader     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/593)      
First-Grader     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/790)      
FishyPrint One AOE     
Fitzgerald Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
FiveFingerDiscount     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Fixed     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (24/790)      82% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 87%)82% (18/22)
Fixed Miriam Transparent     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (46/793)      
fixed_v01     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Flair Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Flair-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Flakey     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Flame     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
FlamencoD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Flamer     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Flamme LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Flapper Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FlapperExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FlashDBol     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/504)      
FlashDLig     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)      
Flat Brush Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/796)      
Flat Brush Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/523)      
Flat Earth Scribe     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
FlatBrush Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FlatBrush-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FlatBrush-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fletch Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fletch-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FleurishScript     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Fleurons     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Flexure     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/790)      
FlintsHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Flintstone Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Floral Garnish     
Floral Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Floral-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Florence     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/790)      9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Flounder     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Flourish Normal     
Flowerchild     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Flowerchild Plain     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
FlowerPower Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FlowerPowerCondensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FlowerPowerExtended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fluf     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
FLW Script     
Flyman     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Folio Bold BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/626)      
Folio Book BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/626)      
Folio Extra Bold BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/626)      
Folio Light BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
Font Heads     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Fontageous Rendition     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Fontdinerdotcom     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (4/147)   
Fontdinerdotcom Huggable     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Fontdinerdotcom Loungy     
Fontdinerdotcom Sparkly     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Fontmaker's Choice     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/793)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Fontmaker's Choice ThinItalic     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/776)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Food (Food)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/800)      
Footlight MT Light     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (202/800)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
Forgotten Futurist     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Formal 436 BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (94/626)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (88/145)   
Formal Script     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/790)      
Formal Script 421 BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (97/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Forte     23% of all browsers support this font (factor 36%)23% (182/797)      
Fortunaschwein     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
Fossil     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Foster     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Fountain Pen Frenzy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
FoxScript     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
FractalFont     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Fragile Bombers     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
FrancineHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Francis Gothic Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Francis Gothic-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Francis High Lighted Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Franciscan Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/504)      
Franco Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Franco-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Frank Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FrankfurterHigD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Franklin Gothic Book     29% of all browsers support this font (factor 42%)29% (228/797)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/164)   
Franklin Gothic Condensed     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (7/242)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/62)   
Franklin Gothic Demi     27% of all browsers support this font (factor 40%)27% (213/797)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/164)   
Franklin Gothic Demi Cond     24% of all browsers support this font (factor 37%)24% (194/797)      
Franklin Gothic Heavy     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (199/797)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/164)   
Franklin Gothic ITC Book BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/593)      
Franklin Gothic ITC Demi BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/593)      
Franklin Gothic ITC Heavy BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/593)      
Franklin Gothic Medium     52% of all browsers support this font (factor 63%)52% (413/797)      9% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (2/22)
Franklin Gothic Medium Cond     27% of all browsers support this font (factor 40%)27% (219/797)      
Franklin Gothic Medium Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
FrankRuehl     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (37/778)      
Frantic Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Frantic-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Frantic-Cracked Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Frantic-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Frazzed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Freak     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Freame-Plain     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Freebooter Script     
Freebooter Script - Alts     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
Freedom 9 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (107/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Freedom 9 Thin Normal     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (82/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Freedom 9 Wide Normal     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (82/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Freedom 9-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Freedom Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Freedom-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Freeform 710 BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (96/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Freeform 721 Black BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (89/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Freeform 721 BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (96/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Freehand 521 BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (82/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Freehand 575 BT     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (102/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Freehand 591 BT     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (102/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Freelance Script     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
FreesiaUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (31/778)      
Freestyle Script     23% of all browsers support this font (factor 36%)23% (180/797)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (8/164)   
Freeze Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
French Grotesque     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
French Script MT     28% of all browsers support this font (factor 41%)28% (223/797)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
French Vogue     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
French111 BT     
Fresh     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Freshbot     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (17/650)      
Fridayluck     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Friends Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Friends-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Friends-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Frit Qat Normal     
Friz Quadrata     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (23/650)   7% of Macs support this font (factor 16%)7% (11/147)   
Friz Quadrata BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)      
Frosty     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (27/796)      
Frozen Dog Treats     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Frutiger 45 Light     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (90/504)   67% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)67% (85/127)   
Frutiger 55 Roman     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (92/504)   67% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)67% (85/127)   
Frutiger 75 Black     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (87/504)   67% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)67% (85/127)   
Frutiger Linotype     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (14/504)      
Frutiger-Black     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (6/242)   6% of Macs support this font (factor 14%)6% (4/62)   
Frutiger-Light     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (5/242)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (3/62)   
Frutiger-Roman     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (7/242)   6% of Macs support this font (factor 14%)6% (4/62)   
Frutiger-UltraBlack     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (5/242)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (3/62)   
FSC Symbol     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Fuji Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Fuji-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fuji-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
FultoonHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Funk Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Funky Knut     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Funky Knut Sober     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Funny Face     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Funstuff     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)      
Funstuff Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Furniture (Furniture)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
Fusi Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Fusi Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/797)      
Fusi Thin Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Fusi-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Fusi-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Futhark AOE     
Futhark AOE Inline     
Futhark Inline AOE     
Futhark Regular     
Futura     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (158/790)   87% of Macs support this font (factor 91%)87% (142/164)   
Futura Black BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (56/800)      
Futura Bold BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (63/800)      
Futura Bold Condensed BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
Futura Bold Italic BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (27/481)      
Futura Book     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/242)      
Futura Book BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (18/593)      
Futura Condensed Medium     
Futura Extra Black BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (67/800)      
Futura Extra Black Condensed BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (19/650)      
Futura Heavy BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
Futura Light     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)      
Futura Light BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (61/800)      
Futura Lt BT Light     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Futura Medium     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/393)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/106)   
Futura Medium BT     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (24/650)      
Futura Medium Condensed BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (19/650)      
Futura Thin     
Futura XBlk BT Extra Black     
Futura-BoldOblique     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (4/147)   
FuturaBlack BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (30/523)      
Future     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/523)      
Future Bold-Oblique     
Future Sallow     
Future Sallow Wide     
Futurist Fixed-width     
FuturistStencil     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
fuzzyless v2.0     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (88/593)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (88/143)   
Gabriel's Angels     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Gad Light Normal     
Gad Thin Normal     
Gadget     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (122/790)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (120/164)   
Gaeilge 1 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (105/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Galant Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/796)      
Galant Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Galant Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (18/797)      
Galant Wide Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Galant-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Galaxy BT     
Gallaudet Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Galleria     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/481)      
Gallery Caps     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
Gallery Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/797)      
Gallery-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Gallia     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Galliard BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/797)      
GAMECUBEN DualSet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Gando BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)      
Garage shock     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Garamond     75% of all browsers support this font (factor 82%)75% (597/797)   24% of Macs support this font (factor 37%)24% (39/164)   23% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 36%)23% (5/22)
Garamond Antiqua     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (9/504)      
Garamond Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Garamond Gras     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Garamond Halbfett     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (6/393)      
Garamond Italique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Garamond Kursiv     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (13/504)      
Garamond Kursiv Halbfett     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (14/504)      
Garamond Narrow     
Garamond Narrow Bold:001.022     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Garamond Narrow Italic:001.022     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Garamond Narrow Plain:001.022     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Garamond Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Garamond Wd     
Garamond-Bold Ex     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      20% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (2/10)
Garamond-Bold Wd     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      20% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (2/10)
Garamond-Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/393)      20% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (2/10)
GaramondNo2SCTMed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
GaramondNo4CyrTCYMed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Garcia Regular     
Gargoyle SSi     
Gargoyles de France     
Gargoyles Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Garrick Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Garrick-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Garrison Sans     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)      
Gas Huffer Phat     
Gaslight Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Gaston Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/797)      
Gatsby     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Gauss Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Gauss-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Gauss-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Gautami     31% of all browsers support this font (factor 44%)31% (247/797)      
Gawain     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Gayathri Regular     
Gaze Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/796)      
Gaze Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/797)      
Gaze-Condensed Normal     
GC Channel F Standard     
GDT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (26/793)      
GE Holiday Sampler     
GE Zodiac     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Gecko Regular Caps     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Geek a byte     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Geek Speek     
GeeohHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Gelfling SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/626)      
Generation Nth     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Geneva     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (177/790)   100% of Macs support this font (factor 100%)100% (164/164)   
GengisKahn     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
GENUINE     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (9/393)      
GENUINE Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
Geo 112 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (104/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Geo 112-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Geo 579 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Geo 957 Normal     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (108/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Geo 957-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Geo 986 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Geo 986-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Geo Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/797)      
Geo-Condensed Normal     
GeographicSymbols (GeographicSymbols)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/800)      
Geometric 231 Bold BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (105/626)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (88/145)   
Geometric 231 BT     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (95/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Geometric 231 Heavy BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (93/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Geometric 231 Light BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (93/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Geometric Slabserif 703 Bold BT     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (46/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Geometric Slabserif 703 Extra Bold BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (6/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Geometric Slabserif 703 Light BT     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (95/593)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (88/143)   
Georgia     95% of all browsers support this font (factor 96%)95% (756/800)   96% of Macs support this font (factor 97%)96% (158/164)   45% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 57%)45% (10/22)
Georgia Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
Georgia Ref     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (40/796)      
Georgia Vet     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/793)      
Georgia Vet Cursief     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/793)      
GeoSlb712 Lt BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/790)      
GeoSlb712 Md BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)      
GeoSlb712 XBd BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/790)      
Geotype TT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (21/793)      
German Blackletters, 15th c.     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Gessele Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
GF Halda Smashed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/796)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Ghandi Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Ghouly Solid     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
GhoulyCaps     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
GI Stencil Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Giddyup     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (22/790)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (6/164)   
Giddyup Thangs     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Gigi     21% of all browsers support this font (factor 34%)21% (165/797)      
Gilde Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/626)      
Gill Black SSi Black     
Gill Condensed SSi Condensed     
Gill Light SSi Light     
Gill Sans     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (161/793)   85% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)85% (139/164)   
Gill Sans Condensed     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (22/793)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Gill Sans Light     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (14/242)   19% of Macs support this font (factor 31%)19% (12/62)   
Gill Sans MT     21% of all browsers support this font (factor 34%)21% (167/797)      
Gill Sans MT Condensed     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (163/797)      
Gill Sans MT Shadow     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (159/797)      
Gill SSi     
Gilliam 2 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Gillies Gothic Ex Bd Shaded LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
GilliesGotDExtBol     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
GilliesGotDLig     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)      
Gilligans Island     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
Ginger Normal     
Ginger-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
GiovanniITCTT Book     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (20/778)      
Giovedi     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Girls are Weird     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Gismonda     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)      
Glagolitic AOE     
Glamocon RetroBats     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Glamocon RetroBats     
Glamourgirl     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Glanchló     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Glass Gauge     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Glass Houses     
Glaze Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Glaze-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
GlooGun     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (18/650)      
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed     23% of all browsers support this font (factor 36%)23% (183/797)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
gogo big     
GoldMine     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/481)      
GoldRush     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Good Times     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/778)      
GoodDog Bones     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
GoodDogCool     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
GoodDogPlain     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Goodfish     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Gorgio Normal     
Gorgio-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Got No Heart     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Gotham Nights Normal     
Gothic Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
gothic 1     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (80/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Gothic 13     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (45/242)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (45/62)   
Gothic 32 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Gothic 32-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Gothic 57 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Gothic 57-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Gothic Hijinx     
Gothic Hijinx Hollow     
Gothic Hijinx Rough     
Gothic Leaf     
Gothic Ultra Trendy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Gothic-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Gothic-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
GothicE     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (20/793)      
GothicG     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (20/793)      
GothicI     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (20/793)      
Gotik AOE     
Goudita Light SF     
Goudita Sans Light SF     
Goudita SF     
Goudy Handtooled BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (52/800)      
Goudy Old Style     26% of all browsers support this font (factor 39%)26% (211/797)   14% of Macs support this font (factor 25%)14% (23/164)   
Goudy Old Style ATT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Goudy Old Style Bold BT     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (24/523)      
Goudy Old Style BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (61/800)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Goudy Old Style Cursief     
Goudy Old Style Vet     
Goudy Stout     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (179/797)      
Goudy Text MT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (5/147)   
GoudyHandtooled BT     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (35/650)      
GoudyMedieval     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/790)      
GoudyOlSt BT Roman     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Gourmand     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Gradl     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (40/796)      
Graffiti Treat     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Granite Bold Oblique     
Graphite Light ATT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
Graphite Light Narrow ATT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
Grasshopper     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Grave Digger     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Gravity     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/796)      
Greece Normal     
Greek     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Greek Diner Inline TT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Greek Normal     
Greek Symbols     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/790)      
GreekC     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/793)      
GreekS     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/793)      
GREEN Regular     
Gregory Normal     
Gregory-Condensed Normal     
Gremlin Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Gremlin Solid     
Grenoble Light SF     
Grenoble SF     
Greyhound SF     
Griffin Regular     
Grinched     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/796)      
Grizzly BT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Groovey-Cracked Normal     
Groovy Normal     
Groovy-Condensed Normal     
Groovy-Extended Normal     
GroovyGhosties     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
GroupSex     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Grrlz Stuff     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Gulim     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (71/778)      
GulimChe     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (87/793)      
Gumbo Normal     
Gungsuh     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (69/778)      
GungsuhChe     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (69/778)      
Gunmetal Regular     
Gunplay     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
GweetHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Gyrl Friday     
HACC Indic Regular     
Hadrianus Demo     
Haettenschweiler     63% of all browsers support this font (factor 72%)63% (506/797)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   14% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (3/22)
Hafnium Sample     
Haight-Ashbury Poster Normal     
Halibut     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Halloween Unregistered     
Halo Normal     
Halotique Tryout     
HamburgerHeaven     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Hammer Thin     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
HANA Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
Hancock     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Handage AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Handel Gothic BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (11/650)      
HandScript     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Handscript SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
HandSign     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Handtooled Normal     
Handwriting Plain:0.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Hanger Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Hanger-Condensed Normal     
Hank BT Roman     
Hansa     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
HansonsHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Hanzel Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Hanzel-Condensed Normal     
Hanzel-Extended Normal     
Harlow LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Harlow Solid Italic     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (159/796)      
Harpoon     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
Harrington     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (197/797)   15% of Macs support this font (factor 27%)15% (24/164)   
Harry P     
Harting     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Harvest Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/793)      
Haunt AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
HavixHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Hawkeye     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Hazel LET Plain     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Head-Ding Maker BRK     
Headline Normal     
Headline-Condensed Normal     
Headline-Extended Normal     
Heads and Faces     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Heartache Teen Crush     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
heARTs     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Heather Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
Hebrew     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)      
Heidelberg Normal     
Heidelberg-Condensed Normal     
Heidelberg-Expanded Normal     
Heidelberg-Hollow Normal     
Heidelberg-Hollow-Condensed Normal     
Heidelberg-Hollow-Extended Normal     
Heidelberg-Spiked Normal     
Heidelberg-Striped Normal     
Heisei Kaku Gothic     
Heisei Mincho     
Hellcats BV     
Hellovetica     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Hellraiser SC     
HELTERSKELTER     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Helvetica     88% of all browsers support this font (factor 91%)88% (692/790)   99% of Macs support this font (factor 99%)99% (163/164)   91% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 94%)91% (20/22)
Helvetica 25 Ultra Light     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (44/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Helvetica 35 Thin     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (48/242)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (45/62)   
Helvetica 45 Light     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (48/242)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (45/62)   
Helvetica 55 Roman     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (48/242)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (45/62)   
Helvetica 65 Medium     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (48/242)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (45/62)   
Helvetica 75 Bold Outline     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (44/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Helvetica 85 Heavy     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (45/242)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (45/62)   
Helvetica 95 Black     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (48/242)   73% of Macs support this font (factor 80%)73% (45/62)   
Helvetica Black     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/523)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (4/128)   
Helvetica BlackOblique     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Helvetica Compressed     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Helvetica Light     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/523)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/128)   
Helvetica Narrow     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/790)      
Helvetica Neue     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (146/790)   87% of Macs support this font (factor 91%)87% (142/164)   
Helvetica Neue Light     
Helvetica Neue UltraLight     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (22/650)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/147)   71% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 79%)71% (12/17)
HelveticaExtO 3     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Hemi Head 426     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (45/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
Hendershot     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/796)      
Hendrix Demo     
Herald Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/504)      
Herculanum     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (143/790)   86% of Macs support this font (factor 90%)86% (141/164)   
HERMAN     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Hermetic Regular     
Hermia!     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Heroes&Villains     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (73/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
High Noon     
High Tower Text     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (140/797)      
Highball Normal     
Highball-Condensed Normal     
Highball-Extended Normal     
Highlander Regular     
Highlight LET Plain:1.0     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (131/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Hobbit SF     
Hobby Headline     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Hobby Normal     
Hobby-Condensed Normal     
Hobo BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Hobo Medium     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Hobo Normal     
Hoefler Text     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (152/790)   90% of Macs support this font (factor 93%)90% (147/164)   
HogarthScrD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Holiday hardcore     
Holiday Pi BT     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (30/796)      
Holidays MT     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (27/650)      
Holland Normal     
Holland-Condensed Normal     
Holland-Extended Normal     
HollowWeenie Bats     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Hollyweird LET Plain:1.0     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (98/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Holy Union     
Home Planning (Home Planning)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/800)      
Home Planning 2 (Home Planning 2)     11% of all browsers support this font (factor 21%)11% (90/800)   54% of Macs support this font (factor 65%)54% (88/164)   
Home Sweet Home     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Hong's 2 Dings     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
hooge 05_53     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (48/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
hooge 05_54     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
hooge 05_55     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (107/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (102/164)   
Hooked on Booze     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Hooper dooper     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Horn Normal     
Horn-Condensed Normal     
Horny Devils BV     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Horror Hotel     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Horseshoes And Lemonade     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Horst Regular     
HorstCaps Caps:001.001     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Hots     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
HotStuff Normal     
HourPhoto     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Household (Household)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
Humanist 521 Bold Condensed BT     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (105/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Humanist 521 Bold Italic BT     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (98/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Humanist 521 BT     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (157/800)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Humanist 521 Condensed BT     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (105/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Humanist 521 Extra Bold BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Humanist 521 Extra Bold Condensed BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (95/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Humanist 521 Light BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Humanist 521 Ultra Bold BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Humanist 777 Black BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (6/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Humanist 777 BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (5/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Humanist 777 Light BT     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (6/77)   83% of Macs support this font (factor 88%)83% (5/6)   
Humanst521 BT Roman     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
HUNTSON Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Hustle Normal     
Huxley Vertical BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)      
HybridLCD AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Hygiene (Hygiene)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
I Ching     
I hate Comic Sans     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
I Still Know     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
I Used to Have a Crush On You     
Ian-Bent     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
IBM Code     
Iconic Symbols Ext     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
IGaramond Regular     
IglooCaps     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
IglooLaser     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Ignatius LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Ikarus Regular     
Ikarus Turbulence     
Ikarus Vulture     
ILL oMen     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
ILS Script     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Impact     95% of all browsers support this font (factor 96%)95% (756/800)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (138/164)   45% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 57%)45% (10/22)
Impact People     
Imperial     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Impossible - 0     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Impossible - 0 minus 30     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Impossible - 0 plus 30     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Impossible - 050     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Impossible - 1000     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Impossible - 500     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Impossible - Selfdestruct     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Impress BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/797)      
Impressed Metal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Imprint MT Shadow     26% of all browsers support this font (factor 39%)26% (207/797)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
Incised 901 Black BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (91/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Incised 901 BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (91/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Incised 901 Light BT     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (90/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
Incised 901 Nord BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (97/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Incised 901 Nord Italic BT     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (93/626)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (88/145)   
IncisedBlack Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
IncisedBlackWide Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Indent Normal     
Indigo Joker     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Indubitably     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/796)      
Industrial Schizophrenic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Indy 17 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Indy Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Indy-Condensed Normal     
Informal 011 BT     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (109/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Informal Roman     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (159/797)      
Initial Caps 3 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Initial-Caps1 Normal     
InitialCaps4 Normal     
Inkburrow     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (11/778)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Inkpen2     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Inkpen2 Chords     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Inkpen2 Script     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Inkpen2 Special     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Inkpen2 Text     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
InstantTunes     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Institution     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
INT2OF5X1 Normal     
Inter     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
International Playboy     
intimacy     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
intimacy deux     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Invers SF     
Invisible Killer     
Invitation Normal     
Invitation Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Invite Engraved SF     
Invite SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
InviteEngraved Normal     
Ipswich Normal     
Ipswich-Condensed Normal     
Ipswich-Extended Normal     
Irezumi     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/106)   
IRIS Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
IrisUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (33/778)      
IronMan     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/796)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
IronPipe     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Ironwork Normal     
Isabella     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)      
ISABELLE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
ISOCP     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (18/793)      
ISOCP2     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
ISOCP3     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
ISOCPEUR     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/504)      
ISOCT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
ISOCT2     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
ISOCT3     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (17/793)      
ISOCTEUR     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/504)      
Isotype Regular     
Issa & Giliana Classic     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (80/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
ItalicC     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/793)      
ItalicT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/793)      
ITC Anna     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/790)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (6/164)   
ITC Franklin Gothic Book     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
ITC Kabel Book     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (7/147)   
ITC Kabel Medium     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (7/147)   
ITC Kabel Ultra     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (7/147)   
ITC Mendoza Roman Book     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
ITC Mendoza Roman Medium     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
ITC Officina Sans Book     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (24/650)   8% of Macs support this font (factor 17%)8% (12/147)   
ITC Officina Serif Book     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (23/650)   7% of Macs support this font (factor 16%)7% (11/147)   
j.d.     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (109/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (102/164)   
JaakSSi     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/796)      
JACKIE Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
Jagger SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
James Eight Eleven     
Jamiro     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Janaranjani Regular     
JanieHmk     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Janis     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/504)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/127)   
Japanese Generic1 (Japanese Generic1)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/800)      
Jasmine     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
JasmineUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (31/778)      
Jayne Print Hand     
Jazz Normal     
Jazz LET Plain:1.0     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (83/481)   64% of Macs support this font (factor 73%)64% (79/123)   
Jazz Regular     
JeninesHand Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Jenkins v2.0     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (108/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Jenkins v2.0 Thik     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (101/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Jersey Normal     
Jersey-Condensed Normal     
Jersey-Extended Normal     
Jester     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (23/790)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (4/164)   
Jester Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Jewels     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
JI Kaleidoscope Bats     
JI Kaleidoscope Bats 2     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
JI Kaleidoscope Bats 3     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
JI Kaleidoscope Bats 4     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
JI Kaleidoscope Bats 5     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jiggery pokery     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Jillian Gothic BOLDITALIC     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Jingopop     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Jinx     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Jitter Normal     
Jitter-Condensed Normal     
Jitter-Expanded Normal     
JLR Diaper Pin     
JLR Teddy Bear     
JOAN     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/393)      
Jobbernole     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
John Handy LET Plain:1.0     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (139/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jokerman     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (175/797)      
Jokerman Alts LET Plain:1.0     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (118/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jokerman LET Plain:1.0     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (135/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jokewood     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (17/650)      
Jolt     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/790)      
Jolt Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/797)      
Joshs Font     
Jott 43 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jott 43-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jott 44 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jott 44-Condensed Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jott 45 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (102/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Jotterscript Medium     
Joystix     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
JP Hand Slanted     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
JP Hand Straight     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Juergen Bold Kursiv     
Juice     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Juice ITC     24% of all browsers support this font (factor 37%)24% (189/797)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
julesgirltalk Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
juleswriting     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Julius     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Julius B Thyssen     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Julius Black     
JuliusCondensed     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/790)      
June 15 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
June Normal     
Junegull     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Jungle Juice     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Jungle LIFE     
Junior & Stinky     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (93/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Jupiter     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/481)      
Jurassic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/790)      
Jurassic Normal     
JUSTICE     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/393)      
Kabel Bd-Normal     
Kabel Book BT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (52/800)      
Kabel Ultra BT     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (49/800)      
Kabob     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Kalocsai Flowers     
Karaoke Superstar BV     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Karnack Regular     
Kartoone Solid     
Kashmir     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/523)      
Katarina     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Kathryn Normal     
Kathryn-Condensed Normal     
Kathryn-Extended Normal     
Kaufmann BT     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (8/393)      
Keep on Truckin'FW     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (73/393)   69% of Macs support this font (factor 77%)69% (73/106)   
Keira Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Keira-Condensed Normal     
KeithsHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
KellyAnnGothic     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/790)      
KellyAnnGothic Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Kelt Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/796)      
Kelt Caps Freehand     
Kelt Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/797)      
Kelt-Condensed Normal     
Kenyan Coffee     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
KEY 14 A     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (72/393)   68% of Macs support this font (factor 76%)68% (72/106)   
Key Caps Normal     
Keyboard     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Keycaps 1 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Keycaps 2 Normal     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (101/797)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Keyhole Normal     
Keyhole-Condensed Normal     
Keyhole-Extended Normal     
Keypunch     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/481)      
Keys Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Keys-Condensed Normal     
Keystone Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Keystroke     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)      
Keystrokes MT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/393)      
Kicking Limos     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Kidnap     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/800)      
Kids     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (27/790)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
KidTYPEPaint     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (19/778)      
Kiev Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
KillMeCraig AOE     
Kilroy Was Here     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Kimberley     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Kimberley Alternate     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/481)      
Kinderfeld AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Kindergarten Regular     
Kinders Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
King Arthur     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
KingTut Regular     
KingTut-Too Regular     
KInifed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Kino MT     10% of all browsers support this font (factor 20%)10% (76/796)   16% of Macs support this font (factor 28%)16% (27/164)   
KirbysHand     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Kirillica Wincyr     
Kis BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
KissmeKissmeKissme     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
KittyPrint AOE     
Kleptocracy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
KlingonBlade     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
KlingonDagger     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
KlingonScript     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
KlingonStilleto     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
KlingonTNG     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/593)      
Klinzhai     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
Knights Quest     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Knights Quest Callig     
Knights Quest Shielded     
Knot Maker BRK     
Koch Rivoli     
Kochi Gothic     
Kochi Mincho     
KodchiangUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (30/778)      
Konanur Regular     
Konspiracy Theory     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Konspiracy Theory slant     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Kool Ding     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Koptos Regular     
Korean Generic1 (Korean Generic1)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/800)      
KR All Heart     
KR Astro 1     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Astro 3     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Baby Love     
KR Baby's Favorites     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Back To School Dings     
KR Be Mine     
KR Beautiful Butterfly     
KR Beautiful Flowers 2     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Beautiful Flowers 3     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Birthday Numbers     
KR Butterflies     
KR Chinese Zodiac     
KR Cupids     
KR Down By The Sea     
KR Easter Windows     
KR Fleurish Circle     
KR Fleurish Floral     
KR Floral Color Me     
KR Floral Color Me 2     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Fruitsy     
KR Happy Veggies!     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Kat's Flowers 3     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Kat's Flowers 4     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Katlings     
KR Katlings Four     
KR Katlings Three     
KR Katlings Two     
KR Kitchen Dings     
KR New Astro     
KR Nicky's Dinos     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
KR Office     
KR Silly Art Dings     
KR Strawberry     
KR Sweet Tooth     
KR Trees     
KR Tulips     
KR Turtles For Julie     
KR Weather Dings     
Kredit     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Kristen ITC     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (200/797)      
Kristin     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Krystal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Kunstler Script     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (159/797)      
L'Elf Noir du Mal Normal     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (44/242)   71% of Macs support this font (factor 79%)71% (44/62)   
La Bamba LET Plain:1.0     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (138/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
LA Bold Normal     
Lab Mix     
Ladybug     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Lalex Big Badaboum     
Lambada LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
LamboHmk     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)      
Landmarks (Landmarks)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
Landscape Planning (Landscape Planning)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/800)      
Larabiefont     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Larissa     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Laser Chrome LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (91/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Lashon Tov     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Last Ninja     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Latha     34% of all browsers support this font (factor 47%)34% (272/797)      
Latin Extra Condensed BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/650)      
Latin Normal     
Latin-Condensed Normal     
Latin-Cracked Normal     
Latin-Extended Normal     
Latin725 BT Roman     
Laura     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Lauren Normal     
Lauren-Condensed Normal     
Lauren-Extended Normal     
LCD Normal     
LcdD     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (6/393)      
LCR Border Designz     
LCR Cat's Meow     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
LCR Create A Face     
LCR Cutesy Cupid     
LCR FunFrames     
LCR Lesley's Crafts     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (90/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
LCR Stitched by an Angel     
LCR Works of Heart     
LDecorationPi-One     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Le Monde Sans Black     
Le Monde Sans Black Exp     
Le Monde Sans Black Italic Exp     
Le Monde Sans Black Italic OsF     
Le Monde Sans Black OsF     
Le Monde Sans Bold Exp     
Le Monde Sans Bold Italic Exp     
Le Monde Sans Bold Italic OsF     
Le Monde Sans Bold Italic SC     
Le Monde Sans Bold OsF     
Le Monde Sans Bold SC     
Learning Curve BV     
Learning Curve Dashed BV     
Lechter Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Lechter-Condensed Normal     
Lechter-Extended Normal     
Lefty Regular     
LeftyCasual     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
LegerD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Lemonade     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
LemonadeICG     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/147)   
Lemonheads     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Leo Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Leo-Condensed Normal     
Leo-Extended Normal     
Lesser Concern     
Lesser Concern Shadow     
Letter Gothic     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (53/793)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (9/164)   
Letter Gothic Bold Oblique     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/793)      
Letter Gothic MT     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (43/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (7/147)   
Letter Gothic MT Bold Oblique     6% of all browsers support this font (factor 14%)6% (36/650)   3% of Macs support this font (factor 9%)3% (4/147)   
Letter Set B     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
LetterGothic     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/790)      
Letterman     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Levenim MT     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (37/778)      
Levi Stubbs Tears     
LHF Boston Truckstyle     
LHF WalMart People     
LibbyScript     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Libel Suit     
Liberate Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (12/796)      
Liberate Normal     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/797)      
Libra BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
Librarian Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Liddie     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Life Support     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Liffey Script SF     
Ligeia Demo     
Lilith Plain     
LilyUPC     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (31/778)      
Linda Regular     
Lindy Regular     
Linear B     
LinoLetterCut     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Linus Script     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Liorah BT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/626)      
Liquid Nite     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Liquidism     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lisbon Cursive     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/650)      
Liste Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Liste-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Liste-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Listemagerens Dingbats 1     15% of all browsers support this font (factor 27%)15% (80/523)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/128)   
Lithograph Bold     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (58/800)      
LithographLight     8% of all browsers support this font (factor 17%)8% (60/800)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Lithos     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/790)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
Lithos Black     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (7/164)   
Lithos Regular     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/650)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (7/147)   
Little Daisy     
Little Days     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Little Trouble Girl BV     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
LittleLordFontleroy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/626)      
LIVINGWELL Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/593)      
Locked Window     
Lockergnome     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/778)      
Logash     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/790)      
Logic lodger     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Loki Cola     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/778)      
Lombardic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Long Cool Woman     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
LongIsland Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
Looney Tunes BT     
Looney Tunes Tilt BT     
Loony     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Lotharus     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lotharus Wide Top     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lotus Postal Barcode     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/650)      
LotusWP Box     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (9/650)      
LotusWP Icon     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
LotusWP Int A     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/793)      
LotusWP Int B     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/650)      
LotusWP Type     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/793)      
Lounge Bait     
Love Letters     
Love LetterTW     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Love Regular     
Lovesick AOE     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Lucerne Fancy     
Lucia BT     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/481)      
Lucian BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/650)      
Luciano Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/797)      
Luciano-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/797)      
Lucida     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (29/790)   4% of Macs support this font (factor 11%)4% (6/164)   86% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 90%)86% (19/22)
Lucida Blackletter     7% of all browsers support this font (factor 16%)7% (57/790)   13% of Macs support this font (factor 24%)13% (22/164)   
Lucida Bright     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (199/797)   18% of Macs support this font (factor 30%)18% (29/164)   18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
Lucida Bright Demibold     19% of all browsers support this font (factor 31%)19% (153/800)      
Lucida Calligraphy     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (199/790)   15% of Macs support this font (factor 27%)15% (24/164)   
Lucida Calligraphy Italic     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (174/796)      
Lucida Console     76% of all browsers support this font (factor 83%)76% (610/800)      18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
Lucida Console Thin     
Lucida Fax halvfed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lucida Fax halvfed kursiv     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lucida Fax kursiv     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Lucida Fax Regular     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (132/797)      
Lucida Grande     20% of all browsers support this font (factor 32%)20% (155/790)   87% of Macs support this font (factor 91%)87% (143/164)   
Lucida Handwriting     37% of all browsers support this font (factor 50%)37% (296/790)   56% of Macs support this font (factor 67%)56% (92/164)   
Lucida Handwriting Italic     24% of all browsers support this font (factor 37%)24% (195/796)      
Lucida Sans     37% of all browsers support this font (factor 50%)37% (293/790)   20% of Macs support this font (factor 32%)20% (33/164)   
Lucida Sans Demibold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (15/800)      
Lucida Sans Demibold Roman     24% of all browsers support this font (factor 37%)24% (191/797)      
Lucida Sans halvfed kursiv     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lucida Sans kursiv     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
Lucida Sans Regular     30% of all browsers support this font (factor 43%)30% (236/797)      
Lucida Sans Typewriter     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (119/481)   16% of Macs support this font (factor 28%)16% (20/123)   
Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold     21% of all browsers support this font (factor 34%)21% (170/800)      
Lucida Sans Typewriter fed     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lucida Sans Typewriter fed oblik     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lucida Sans Typewriter oblik     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular     22% of all browsers support this font (factor 35%)22% (175/797)      
Lucida Sans Unicode     74% of all browsers support this font (factor 81%)74% (594/800)      18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
Lucida Typewriter     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/790)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   18% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (4/22)
Lucidabright     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (30/790)   5% of Macs support this font (factor 12%)5% (9/164)   86% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 90%)86% (19/22)
Lucidatypewriter     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (23/790)      91% of Linux browsers support this font (factor 94%)91% (20/22)
Luciferius     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/778)      
Luciferius Infernitus     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Lucky Charms     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/778)      
lucy     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Lucy Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Lumos     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/504)      
Lumpy Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Lunchboxdingbats-regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Luncheonette     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Luxembourg Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Lydian     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (13/793)   1% of Macs support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/164)   
Lydian BT     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (19/650)      
Lynda Cursive Bold     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (14/796)      
Lynda Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/797)      
Lynda Thin Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Lynda Wide Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Lynda-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Lynda-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
MA Bastarda1     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Mac Dingbats (Mac Dingbats)     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Machine Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Machine-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Machine-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Machine-gun     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Mackintosh SF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
Madrone     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (16/650)   6% of Macs support this font (factor 14%)6% (9/147)   
Mael     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/778)      
Mage     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Mage 1999     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Magehunter     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/778)      
Magnum     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/796)      
Magoo Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Magoo-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Magoo-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Maiandra GD     26% of all browsers support this font (factor 39%)26% (206/797)      
Maiandra GD Demi Bold     9% of all browsers support this font (factor 19%)9% (71/796)      
Mail Ray Stuff     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/593)      
Majestic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Malacates     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Malache Crunch     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/593)      
Malachim     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
MammaGamma     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Manchuria Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Manchuria-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Manchuria-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Mandalay     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
MandarinD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/481)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/123)   
MandarinSCD     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/504)      
MANDELA     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Mandingo     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/797)      
Manga Temple     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/393)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (2/106)   
Mangal     34% of all browsers support this font (factor 47%)34% (274/797)      
Manuscript     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/504)      
Manuscript Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Manuscript Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Manuscript-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Manuscript-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Map Of You     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/778)      
Map Symbols (Map Symbols)     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (146/793)      
MapInfo Cartographic     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (11/393)      
Maraca     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Maranallo     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/523)      
Maranallo High     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Margaret Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (8/650)      
Marguerita LET Plain:1.0     14% of all browsers support this font (factor 25%)14% (92/650)   61% of Macs support this font (factor 71%)61% (90/147)   
Mariah Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Marigold     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (20/393)   6% of Macs support this font (factor 14%)6% (6/106)   
Marker Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marker Black     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Marker Felt     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (140/790)   84% of Macs support this font (factor 89%)84% (138/164)   
Marker-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marker-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marker-Hollow Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marker-Hollow-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marker-Hollow-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Market Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/504)      
MARKETPRO Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
Marking Pen     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Marlboro     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/790)      
Marlboro Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
MarlboroCondensed Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
MarlboroWide Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (1/77)      
Marlett (Marlett)     59% of all browsers support this font (factor 69%)59% (471/800)      
Marlin Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Marlin-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marlo Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marlo-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marlo-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marmalade     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
Marmyadose     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Marque     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Marquee     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
MarqueeFlash     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Marriage Script Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Marshmallow Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marshmallow-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marshmallow-Cracked Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marshmallow-Cracked-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marshmallow-Cracked-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Marshmallow-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Martin Vogel's Symbols     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (103/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Mason Regular     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Masonic     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/504)      
Massey Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Massey-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Massey-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
MassiveBlur     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/393)      
Materhorn     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/796)      
Math A     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Math B     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Math C     2% of all browsers support this font (factor 6%)2% (10/650)      
Math Donuts     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/650)      
Math Ext     3% of all browsers support this font (factor 9%)3% (2/77)      
Math Symbols Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Matisse ITC     18% of all browsers support this font (factor 30%)18% (143/797)   2% of Macs support this font (factor 6%)2% (3/164)   
Matrix Code Font     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
MatrixSlant     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
Matt Antique BT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/481)      
MattB     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/393)      
Matterhorn Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Matterhorn-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Matterhorn-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
MATTEROFFACT     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/393)      
Matura MT Script Capitals     25% of all browsers support this font (factor 38%)25% (199/797)   15% of Macs support this font (factor 27%)15% (24/164)   
MAXIMO Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/593)      
Mayan     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/523)      
McBooHmk     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)      
McFont     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/242)      
MeadBold     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Medfly Light     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Mediascape OSD Icon (Mediascape OSD Icon)     4% of all browsers support this font (factor 11%)4% (35/778)      
Medicine (Medicine)     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (5/800)      
Medieval Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Medusa     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/523)      
Mekanik LET Plain:     17% of all browsers support this font (factor 29%)17% (133/796)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Melanie (Girly)     13% of all browsers support this font (factor 24%)13% (105/778)   62% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)62% (101/164)   
Melanie BT Roman     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/626)      
Memo Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/797)      
Memo Normal     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/523)      
Memo-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Memo-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Menuetto     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
Mephisto     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Merced     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/650)      
Mercurius Script MT Bold     5% of all browsers support this font (factor 12%)5% (40/796)      
Mercurius ScriptMT Bold     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/790)      
Merit Badges     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/593)      
Meroitic - Demotic     16% of all browsers support this font (factor 28%)16% (82/504)   63% of Macs support this font (factor 72%)63% (80/127)   
MetaBold-Roman     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
MetaBoldLF-Roman     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
MetaBook-Roman     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)      
MetaBookLF-Roman     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/242)      
Metal Lord     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (10/778)      
Metal On Metal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Metal Spagetti     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/778)      
Metro Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Metro Nouveau     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (7/778)      
Metro Regular     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (4/504)      
Metro-Condensed Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Metro-Extended Normal     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (2/797)      
Metropolis     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (2/242)      
MetropolisICG     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/650)      
MetropolisNF     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (1/523)      
MetropolitainesD     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (6/504)      
Mexacali     0% of all browsers support this font (factor 0%)0% (3/790)      
Mexcellent     1% of all browsers support this font (factor 4%)1% (3/593)